Naval Diving
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Object and Stay

The resort is located at its own beach with a length of 511 meters and was planned and built up in a complex style mid of the 90th. Maintenance and improvement is the annually godfather. It radiates its own magnificent peace on each visitor. Handcarved furniture, and bright nature marble floors, within the general ranges, are witness of luxury and comfort.

Tasteful decorations lend the resort to get your own home.

The rooms are equipped with large window areas and are thereby light-through-flooded. The ceiling is disguised with pickled natural wood and is 3.50 - 4.00 meters in the high. This provides a pleasant room climate and avoids otherwise the usual storage of temperature.

A lowered basement provides a pleasant discussion and exchange place for news and "divers latin", unimpaired by further guests.

Frontseite des Gebäudes  - Im Hintergrund eine Nepahütte als Schattenoase

Frontterrasse (Strandseite) des Gebäudes

Seitenansicht eines Zimmers mit Bad & WC

Picture Gallery
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