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Cuatro Islas - 4 Islands

Four islands are offshore to the “mainland”. By "mainland" we mean the 8th largest island of the Philippines, called “Leyte”. The 4 islands can be attained by pumpboot (motor driven outrigger canoe) in quite short time.

During Fiesta time on Himokilan a pamboat race ranks as one of the highlights among this event. Oming, a well-known speedboat driver of the island (and one of our diving companion/diving coaches) made it in the year 2000 with his 16 HP pumpboat to drive (or fly over water) from Himokilan to the mainland in a legendary time of under 5 minutes. Congratulations Oming! He needs accurately 7 minutes to reach our resort (by speed), so he says. May be correct; but he needs to reach this time a lot of gasoline.

We reach Himokilan with our 16 HP diving boat (the largest of 4 boats and naturally also more largely than this of Oming) in approx. 40 minutes - fully load up. But it does not count the time. Here it counts the unforgotten impressions of the region, the observation of jumping fish and driving on the sea.

From here the islands Mahaba, Aped, and Degyo can be reached quite fast, even with a rowing boat. Please look under the point geography in the upper menu the maps of the region and make yourselves your own picture.

ungestörte Badebucht auf Himokilan - Einstieg Riffkante - Rastplatz beim Inselhopping - idealer Schnorchelplatz

Der Stolz einer Familie - Das eigene Heim

Strandidylle auf Degyo

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