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Aped Island

Each dive usually started from the boat; right at the reef edge. The dive out takes place over the surrounded coral gardens in a depth of 5 - 10 meters. This zero-time dive ends after approximately 1 hour.

Characteristics: All around steeply dropping reef edge. In the reef rock rule many caves in those or other fish rubbing can be observe. Pronounced wide coral gardens close to seashore (diving out area). Within the range of 0 to 15 meters you are surrounded of a multiplicity of swarms of various smaller kinds. Within the range of 15 - 30 meters larger fish can be observed from next distance. Below 30 meters meets you meet exclusively fish with more than 40 cm lenght. With large fishes and meetings with dolphins and water turtles, accompanies from 60 - 70 cm long furbish fishes must be counted. Depending upon the weather conditions you will find partial stronger return flows in different depths (in 40 meters westward - in 20 meters eastward - surface current westward).

However, we refer to the insight, logic and experiencingness of our visitors and divers and say 40 meters are enough.

Aped - im Inneren der Insel

Hafen und Strand von Aped

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